Glassprimer™ Transparent Glass Paint Services...

With Glassprimer™ products, glass can be effectively color coated in opaque, transparent, translucent, frosted and metallic colors with permanent bonding. Bonding of other specialty coatings is also achievable with Glassprimer™ GP083 molecular activator.

Glassprimer™ specialties include:

Glassprimer™ was discovered in Australia and has slowly moved its way through China, Europe, Caribbean, and now is available in the United States at

Call Glassprimer™ today!


Glassprimer™ USA dist offers consistently reliable products, information and customer service.

Transparent Glass paint


Glassprimer™ Glass Paint
Toll Free: 888.619.2226

Jacksonville, Florida: 904.437.4861

Brooklyn, New York: 718.374.5229

Fax: 888.619.2226

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